Friday 15 June 2012


Can you believe it? We will be on camp in just a few days time!  We can’t wait!

Here’s a list of things to remember to bring.

What to wear:
You’ll need to wear long pants and sturdy runners on the first day because we will be going for a long walk before we even get to the camp. 

What to bring on the bus:
Small backpack with:
  • snack
  • water bottle 
Everything else will be going in Mr I's trailer, you won’t be able to bring items on the bus.

What to pack:
As space is very limited, please don’t bring a suitcase. Suitcases take up lots of room that we don’t have in the trailer. Bags take up less room than a case.  Please make sure that if you are bringing a pillow, or doona that it is put in a bag so it wont get dirty in the trailer, there will not be very much room in the car to transport luggage.
  • Sleeping bag or sheets and doona
  • Pillowcase
  • Towel
  • Underwear and socks (1 pair for each day plus one spare)
  • Pyjamas or nightie
  • Jumpers / Windcheaters
  • Jeans / Shorts / Tracksuit
  • Indoor shoes (runners, sneakers, or slippers)
  • Outdoor shoes (runners, walking boots or shoes)
  • Toiletries (including insect repellent, sunscreen, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc)
  • Torch (a small torch is sufficient)
  • Waterproof jacket or coat
  • At least one complete change of clothes is needed
  • Please name your items

What NOT to bring:
  • thongs or sandals
  • mp3s, iPods, etc
  • mobile phones
  • singlets or strappy tops

If you bring a camera it is your responsibility to look after it.

Looking forward to a fun camp

Mrs I & Miss B!