Friday 25 May 2012

If Bullet could speak...

I wonder what he would say...

btw, I'm not saying that Bullet needs a pet friend... ;-)

m&m's Science Experiment

Experiment One:

Experiment Two:

Experiment Three:

Experiment Four:

Friday 18 May 2012


WOW! I am so amazed at how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly! The caterpillar goes through such a complete and amazing transformation. It has new eyes, new digestive system, new legs - pretty much everything is new and nothing is left of the caterpillar!

A caterpillar changing into a butterfly (metamorphosis) is an example of chemical change. It is irreversible.

The caterpillar that becomes the monarch butterfly is about 2mm long when it hatches from its egg. In the following two weeks, it increases it's "birth" weight by 3000 times. Which is like an 8lb baby growing to 10 tonnes in two weeks (that's the weight of about 5 cars!!!)  No wonder it needs to shed its skin three or four times in such a short time.

Want to know more?

Friday 11 May 2012

Science Experiment

Today we experimented with various ingredients that we have in our kitchens.

1. Lemon juice and water. We found that it created a homogeneous mixture.

2. Lemon juice, water, and oil. We found that it created a heterogeneous mixture.

3. Milk and chocolate topping. We found that it created a homogeneous mixture.

4. Milk, chocolate topping, and lemon juice. We found that a chemical reaction occurred because a new material was formed (gas - which we could see because of the bubbles) and that it no longer looks like the original materials as the properties changed.

 6. Bicarb Soda and vinegar. We found that a chemical reaction occurred because a new material was formed (gas - which we could see because of the bubbles) and that it no longer looks like the original materials as the properties changed.