Tuesday 28 February 2012

This is a short clip taken from the Created Cosmos DVD that we watched a couple of weeks ago.

Friday 24 February 2012

more space websites...

Sass found this site. It shows you the size of the planets in relation to each other and the sun.

The size of our world

Emily found this site, you might find it helpful for your project too!

Ask an Astronomer FOR KIDS!

Monday 20 February 2012

space clipart

Here's a link to a website that has lots of clipart that you can use for your project

WP Clipart

Friday 17 February 2012

Space Art

These pictures look fantastic! Well done everyone!

The inspiration for these pieces of art work came from here

Science Project - Space

Our first project for the year will be a science project on Space. You will be looking at our wonderful planet Earth! Your project is due on Friday the 23rd of March.

Here are some links that I'm sure you will find useful for this project:
What is Earth?
Earth Overview
Habitable Worlds 
Atmosphere Layers
The Layers of our Atmosphere


Welcome to 2012! I'm looking forward to a year full of fun and learning.

This term in Science we will be learning about Space. Here are a couple of websites that you might find useful to look at:

Scale of the Universe 2
Click on the items on the page for more information about them

(if the above link doesn't work try this one, it's not as good, but gives most of the same information:  Scale of the Universe )

Planet Information 

Fact Monster - Planets

 Let's Explore the Planets

Universe Today 

Solar System Tour